Steadfast & Loyal with Lt. Col. Allen West

Steadfast & Loyal with Lt. Col. Allen West

Steadfast & Loyal with Lt. Col. Allen West is a weekly talk show on NewsTalk 1190 airing every Sunday morning at 9am geared to better inform,...Full Bio

Guest Paula Scanlan Discusses Her Experience with Men Competing Against Women in Sports

Honoring My Dad and Members of the Greatest Generation

Join me as I discuss the realization of the dream of a lifetime: to recreate the D-Day landing on Normandy Beach by the Greatest Generation this week in France.

Losing Our Foundation and Guests Hung Cao & Bob Woodson

After a monologue discussing our drift from our foundational principles enshrined in the constiution, Colonel West hosts Captain Hung Cao, candidate for US Senate and author of the new book "Call Me an American," and conservative icon, Bob Woodson for a discussion of DEI.

Guests: Mack Latimer, Nick Searcy, Alan Dershowitz, Reps. Brian Harrison & Mitch Little

Guests this week: Mack Latimer, Nick Searcy, Alan Dershowitz, Brian Harrison & Mitch Little. Become a Premium Subscriber on Substack or X for VIDEO & BONUS CONTENT not aired on radio.

Mack Latimer: Imagine Better Media
Nick Searcy: The War on Truth
Alan Deshowitz: [Book] Get Trump
Brian Harrison & Mitch Little: Texas House of Representatives

For more about our sponsors see: United Patriot Coin, Watchtower Firearms, LLC, and United Patriot Supply.

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Threats to Democracy and Guests Brandon Straka and Carolyn Cline

LTC Allen West discusses the phrase "threats to Democracy" oft-used by the progressive socialist left (even though we are a Constitutional Republic). Also, a discussion of the #WalkAway movement with Brandon Straka, and prolife Pregnancy Resource Centers with Carolyn Cline of Involved for Life.

To get bonus content not aired during this episode, become a premium subscriber on Substack or @AllenWest on

For more about our guests see: and
For more about our sponsors see: United Patriot Coin, Watchtower Firearms, LLC, and United Patriot Supply.

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