The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Why Kamala's Trump-Hitler Speech Was INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS

Kamala Harris recently gave a surprise address from the Vice Presidential mansion where she used the power of her office to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It was one of the most disturbing pieces of propaganda that Glenn has ever seen from our government, and he argues that it crossed a line. Glenn debunks Harris’ accusations piece by piece: Does Trump want his generals to abandon their oath to the Constitution and serve him? Can that even happen? Will he lock up Americans who don’t “bend the knee”? Can we trust the source of these accusations? Glenn also explains the one thing that makes this speech even more terrifying: how Harris decided to frame it.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. I want to tell you, yesterday, I saw something that was one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen, because I am a visual guy.

I'm -- I just wrote a book on propaganda.

And I saw something I thought I would never see.

Now, the left and the media has told Donald Trump over and over again, to turn down his rhetoric. I have to tell you, one of the reasons why I think Donald Trump is doing so well, is because he's become a happy warrior. He's not -- he's be the engaging in the kind of rhetoric, that gets people killed. Okay?

But they continue to say, he's got to turn down the rhetoric.

He will get somebody killed.

Well, they are doing so poorly in the polls. You can tell the wheels are coming off of that campaign, at record speed.


Because of things like this.

I want to play the full state, coming from Kamala Harris. And show you why this is so bad.

And different, than everything else, that you have seen.

KAMALA: So yesterday, we learned that Donald Trump's former chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president, he said, he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had.

Donald Trump said that. Because he does not want a military. That is loyal to the United States Constitution. He wants a military that is loyal to him.

GLENN: Stop!

Okay. Let's just dissect this for a second.

Just what she's saying. We'll get to the rest in a minute.

What she's saying is that General Kelly, I guy who I believe Trump fired.

So has a bone with Donald Trump.

They don't like each other at all.

Experienced this, and is just now a week and a half before this election, decided to come out, with this statement.

Believable? No. Not in my opinion.

You know, these -- these generals were not loyal to the president of the United States.

They have taken an oath, to be loyal to the Constitution of the United States.

And they can reject anything the president says, if it goes against the Constitution. In fact, we are one of the only countries, that insists on loyalty to the Constitution, and insists, there's no such thing as I was only following orders.

Because in our military, you have the responsibility to stand up, to know the Constitution.

Know what you're fighting for. Know what's going on. And stand against it! But you don't sabotage!

Now, Kelly, if that actually happened, Kelly is discrediting himself from the beginning.

Because if that had happened, he should have gone in front of the American people, immediately.

But he didn't. So I don't believe this, in the first place.

Because I don't believe General Kelly's word. I just don't.

Now, did you notice what she said? That General Kelly said. And there's no -- there's no corroborating evidence of this.

If anything was said like this, I would believe that Donald Trump did not say like Hitler had.

I would say, he was wondering why the military wasn't following his commands. And if it was unconstitutional, then they should have said something. That it was unconstitutional. But that's not Hitler. That is following the commander-in-chief. And in Donald Trump's case, something happened in his first term, that I've never seen before.

They were sabotaging him. He would say, we're going this way, with our -- with our foreign policy. And the State Department and generals in the Pentagon were sabotaging that. They were calling our allies and our foes, and saying, don't worry about it. That's not been done before.

Now, she not only says what General Kelly said, that he wants generals. But then, she's adding the commentary, on why he said that.

She said, he said that, because he wanted people to disregard the Constitution. Not loyal to the Constitution, but loyal to him.

Now, is that a fact? Even if the first part of that statement is true! How do you assign his thoughts and feelings?

Because Donald Trump would have denied. Even if it was true, he would have denied he said that!

We know it's not true, or at least I strongly suspect it's not true.

And Donald Trump would know, that wouldn't be a good thing. So he would never say, well, this is why! So she's mixing fact with opinion.

And I'll tell you why that's so dangerous in this case here in just a second.

Go ahead.

KAMALA: Military that is loyal to him.

He wants a military who will be loyal to him personally.

One that will obey his orders, even when he tells them to break the law, or abandon their oath to the Constitution.

STU: Stop!

GLENN: When has he ever said?

He was president before. You could have gotten away with this, you know, with Hillary.

But we've seen him for four years.

When has he ever said, break your oath to the Constitution?

Go get citizens, and round them up?

He's never said that. Ever!

If you know the truth about January 6th, he was the guy saying, you should have troops, if you need, get the National Guard.

I -- I am telling you, this is January 4th!

I am telling you, I think you need the National Guard, there at the Capitol building.

Now, at first, they said, that he never said that.

Until it was proven. And then they turned that into, see, he wanted military, to help out!

Yeah. Not to help out the bad guys.

Why would he be suggesting that to Nancy Pelosi?

Not to help out the bad guys.

But to protect the Constitution, and our social order.

So they try to have it both ways.

She's treading very dangerous territory here. Listen.

KAMALA: Abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States.

In just the past week, Donald Trump has repeatedly called his fellow Americans the enemy from within. And even said he would use --

GLENN: Stop. What does he mean by that? The enemy from within?

Well, you know who else said that?

Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. In fact, let me quote Abraham Lincoln. Because I just looked it up today, for some other -- for something in my journal.

If a country, founded on the principle, as pure as freedom, can be destroyed, it will be through suicide.

That's the enemy within! And quite honestly, in some ways, that's all of us! Because we have forgotten who we are. And one reason is because the enemy within has failed to teach us who we are. And, in fact, has changed our history so much, that our kids are confused.

They have no idea who an enemy is!

Because they think the government itself, our Constitution is a triggering document. And the enemy itself is the government!

I think -- I think we could all agree, even the left, because they may say, I'm the enemy within.

We can all agree, that there are forces within this country, that would like to tear us apart.

There are those in America, both left and right, who actually believe in the Bill of Rights. That do not want to tear us apart. That is not the enemy within. Even if we disagree how we get there.

How we return to the Bill of Rights. Even if we disagree.

If we agree, with the Bill of Rights, you're on the right side. Go ahead.

KAMALA: From within. And even said that he would use the United States military, to go after American citizens.

GLENN: Stop. Why did he say that?

He didn't say go after American citizens.

If the country is on fire, this is what he said on January 4th.

If there is a riot, we have to put it down. So use the National Guard.

And if it's so big, use the military, if you have to!

Okay? Now, does that cross Posse Comitatus?

I'm not sure. But you know who will fight against Posse Comitatus, who will say, you can't do that, Mr. President? Anyone who reveres the Constitution, because our military has to obey. They've sworn an oath to the Constitution.

And I think those guys are the only ones. I'm talking about the actual soldiers. Not the helium high up at the Pentagon. Those are the only people that actually look at their oath, and take it as a cred oath.

Go ahead.

KAMALA: Citizens.

And let's be clear about who he considers to be the enemy from within.

Anyone who refuses to bend a knee. Or dares to criticize him.

STU: It's a lie. It's a lie.

GLENN: Stop! I got to tell you, he has been around and spoken openly to, and just would like to be treated with respect.

I'm thinking about the black journalist in Chicago.

He went to talk to them openly.

He wasn't hostile to them.

They came out of the shoot hostile.

Now, who is the one that is trying to put Elon Musk, possibly behind bars.

They are now saying, that Elon Musk, may need to go to federal prison!

He was the darling of the left, until he began to disagree with them!

Who else is trying to put people in jail, merely for disagreeing with them?

Well, Donald Trump.

Gabby Giffords.

She was called a Russian asset. Not Gabby Giffords.

You Tulsi Gabbard.

Yeah. Tulsi Gabbard. She's an enemy now.

That was, you know, working for the Russians.

You have person after person. Robert F. Kennedy.

An icon of that party. Destroyed forever. Because he dare say the king has no clothes. So which one is trying to destroy their enemies. Which one? It's clear.

STU: Can we also discuss how much of a lie this is, that she's saying?

There's a conversation, they're referring to, where he said, the problem is the enemy within.

And we may need to use the National Guard or maybe even the military.

She's saying, it's people disagreeing with him.



She had -- she had several examples there, of people, that he will target in this way.

The conversation is clear, what they are talking about, is people who cause chaos across the country, on Election Day.

He -- Maria Bartiromo. Brings up, what happens if the left brings up, causes all sorts of chaos if you win.

He says, they're talking about murderers, rapists. Terrorists that have come across the border.

He says, those people are bad. But I think maybe the bigger problem are the radical left lunatics who might do that stuff here. We may need to bring the National Guard on.

He's not talking about everyone who disagrees with them.

He's talking about people who are trying to like overthrow the government on Election Day.

Again, the same thing that the left has been saying they didn't want all this time.

GLENN: Right. Now, these are the same people. Kamala Harris is the one, who fought for the riots on the street on BLM. She supported it, and said, they shouldn't stop.

And they should never stop even after the election. She was the one bailing people out, if they were involved in these riots.

So we know she doesn't have a problem with riots. But I believe the American people, both left and right do have a problem with that.

Now, why is this beyond the pail here?

Why has this stepped over a line?

Well, Propaganda Wars.


Okay. Can we bring that image back up on the screen? And just freeze it. Put it in a box and freeze it for me.

In case you happen to be watching this program, on Blaze TV.

Let me -- or Pluto. Thank you for watching Pluto as well.

Let me explain why this is so dangerous.

Now, one, they always telegraph, what they're going to do. Or who they are. And I'm going to get into that, deeply in about five minutes.

So stand by. But I want to show you this image for a reason.

First of all, when you see two microphones like that, Stu.

What do you think?

Those particular two microphones?

You have never noticed?

STU: No.

GLENN: I've only seen those used by the president of the United States. Or by a vice president.


That microphone setup, is unlike any other setup, I've ever seen, with microphones. Okay?

That's -- that's the system, that is connected to those podiums that travel with the president.

And it's always those two microphones.

Underneath it, is the seal of the vice president of the United States.

To her -- let's see. That would be to her left. It would -- it is the flag of the vice president of the United States, which resembles. Except, it's white, not blue.

It resembles the presidential seal.

Then you have the American flag. And behind her, you have a White House.

Now, it's not the White House, but your average schlub will think, that's the White House.

So why is this important? This is important because this does not appear to be a campaign statement. This does not appear to be her opinion.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: This appears as a presidential, or vice presidential, or official government finding.

Okay? Now, some will say, she's violating the hatch act, I'm not sure that's right.

I will call into a couple of people today.

Because some people say, that she and the president can violate that. Because of their office.

Without the penalties.

I'm not sure if that's true or not.

It very well may be.

I'm not worried about the violation of the hatch act.

I'm telling you right now, that this presidential or vice presidential trapping was selected for a reason. To carry extra weight.

Not to the average person. But to those on the very far left, that are susceptible to this kind of propaganda. And this kind of propaganda is for two reasons. Scare the voters, that are with you. Come on. We need you to go out and vote.

This is not for the independent. This is for their base. Go out and vote. This man is dangerous.

But it is also a message for after the election.

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