The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


THIS is What Trump is Fighting For

The Left insists that former president Donald Trump is a fascist, practically akin to Hitler, whose immediate response to nearly being assassinated was to tell his followers to "fight." But Glenn has a different take: Trump clearly wasn't telling his supporters to take to the streets. In fact, Glenn believes there's only two reasons why Trump threw his fist in the air: “Either he’s a psycho or he actually believes in something that’s worth fighting for.” That "something," Glenn explains, is the true American way, not the ACTUALLY fascist global government system that President Biden is all on board with. In fact, Glenn says, that's why the global elites must destroy Trump: He's the only one standing in their way.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Well, the convention started last night. And something unusual happened.

Donald Trump appeared at the convention. That's something that doesn't usually happen on the first night. But Donald Trump was anxious to get there. And he walked in, about halfway through. I think it was probably 10 o'clock Eastern. 10:30 Eastern.

And he was different. He was different.

I don't know how to describe it. Don Jr had tears in his eyes. I think probably a lot of people did, and I saw a softer man.

I -- for the first time, I saw -- I don't know how to describe it. Maybe somebody who went I shouldn't be here. I -- I was not supposed to be here.

And here I am. And I think it was a humbling moment, and I'm anxious to see what Donald Trump has to say.

He walked in. People are making fun of him, for walking in with a big bandage on his ear.

Well, he lost part of his ear. I mean, this is -- this is such a miracle. There was a 5 miles an hour wind, and just that and him turning his head, made all the difference in that.

Remarkable. Now, when he walked out, people were chanting at the convention, here's that sound, cut seven.

VOICE: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

GLENN: So now, let me put this into context. Because you will hear people say, they were screaming fight, fight, fight. Yeah. They were.

They were.

For a couple of reasons: First of all, in something that I thought was one of the most heroic things I have seen from a president, in a very long time.

President Trump, unlike, I think I would be, stood up after being shot in the head.

He's disoriented. You can see that he's kind of had the wind knocked out of him from the dog pile of the Secret Service.

He's standing up. And he makes a point. You can hear him on the tape, saying. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait a minute.

And he's telling the Secret Service to stop rushing him off of the stage.

So he can let the people know that he's okay.

And he raises his fist. And he says, fight! Fight! Fight!

That is a hero moment. No matter who you -- what you think about Donald Trump, I'm sorry. That is just stirring to see somebody, who for political reasons, they tried to kill.

They hid him, and he still stands up. The reason why people admire Donald Trump, is that, they have put him through everything.

They tried to bankrupt him.

They tried to call him all kinds of names. They tried to destroy his business.

Then they've tried to put him in Yale.

They've done everything. Impeachment, two separate sometimes.

They smeared him and his family. And now they tried to kill him. And the guy is not stopping! Why? Well, either -- either he's a -- a psycho, that just loves pain and destruction, which earnings.

Or he actually believes in something. That's worth fighting for.

And what is that? Donald Trump doesn't believe in the global government.

He doesn't believe in the global economy. The way it's being fashioned now, in a much more fascistic way. With public/private partnerships. You know, you play ball with us. And then you'll be able to take over. And crush your competitors. And everything else.

Because we'll protect you. But you need to play ball the right way. We're going to change capitalism. That is what's happening.

There is a new economic system, that has already been introduced. And that economic system, part of it, is -- is called modern monetary theory.

I talk about it in my book, The Great Reset.

And, again, in the follow-up book.

Modern monetary theory, six years ago, was insane!

Basically, what it says is, we don't have to have the tax revenue, to pay these bills.

We can just print as much money as we want.

Well, that's what they're doing! Well, that's what they did in Germany, in the Weimar republic. We know, because math remains math. There is something as an absolute truth.

And the closest we can get to it is mathematics.

It doesn't work.

But that's just to bring the United States. In my opinion. To bring the United States down, to everybody else's level.

For 40 years, we tried to bring the world up.

And it worked. Not universally.

And not everywhere. But wherever it was truly tried. And tried without corruption, it did improve the lives of people.

Capitalism works. Well, the Chinese thought of this new idea of fascism.

Bringing the state in with business.

Instead of taking businesses away from people. And owning the businesses. They let people own and run the business.

As long as you're in line with the state.

Well, that's what we're building now.

Donald Trump does not believe in that.

In fact, the reason why they have to kill him, I believe. Is because he's the only one that stands in the way of this new global government. And this new global business elite.

He doesn't believe in it. People are saying, he's saying fight. The first words out of his mouth were fight, fight, fight.

Yes. Isn't there anything worth fighting for?

And I don't mean with guns.

I don't mean a Civil War.

Isn't there anything -- are your children worth fighting for?

Of course they are. Your children worth standing up for? Of course they are. Are your children worth dying for?

Yes. Yes, they are. Hopefully, you don't ever have to get there. But, yes, they are.

You know you would sacrifice your life for your child. You know it.

Here's what I want you to do. When you hear the fight, fight, fight.

I want you to think, Donald Trump doesn't mean just that it's worth dying for.

Because I do believe our country and our freedom of our children. And the future of our children, is worth dying for.

But I don't want to get there. I hope we don't ever get there.

Fight, stand up.

Because our children and our children's future is worth living for.

That's the key. Now, yesterday, there was a really awkward interview with Lester Holt.

Where Joe Biden is just engaging in the same lies.

And I would really like to make it very apparent, by using the audio of both what Biden has been saying over and over again, and the audio of what was actually said, at the time.

And then you decide.

Who is telling you the truth?

Here is Lester Holt, and Joe Biden, talking about Charlottesville, again.


BIDEN: I wasn't going to run again. Because I lost my son. I must feel -- until I watched what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia. Those folks are coming out of the woods with torches. Carrying swastikas, singing the same Nazi bile, accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan. And a woman was killed. And -- and it was a bystander.

And the president -- then president was asked what he thinks. He said, there are very fine people on both sides. There are not fine people on both sides. No excuse.

GLENN: Okay.

You can go to Snopes, and look this up.

But I urge you to do that. But why take the time to do that, when I can just present you with the actual audio, of what Trump said in 2017.

Listen. And you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people. On both sides. You had people in that group, excuse me. Excuse me.

I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group, that were there to protest, taking down to them, a very, very important statute, and a renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another that I am. And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned, totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?

GLENN: So now you are left with this question: Why would president Biden continue to tell this lie?

There's one thing you can -- you can dismiss that, you know, no. No joke. I was a truck driver. No, he wasn't.

No. No joke. I was a constitutional scholar for many years. No, he wasn't.

No. No joke, the ladies loved me. No, Joe, they don't. Well, the children love me. No, they don't either. They're creeped out by you.

The one thing that you can say about Joe Biden, is he always is self-aggrandizing. And I think that's because he's really never done anything. I mean, he was a senator, yes.

But he was not the world's greatest senator by any means, and there's lots of senators on both sides, that kind of fall into this category. And he thinks of himself as a great man.

You can take those kinds of lies and kind of feel sorry for him.

Not this one. And these -- these lies like this one, that the left continues to tell, they are told for a reason. To get you to believe, something that is not true.

So if you're listening today, for the first time. And you're thinking anew. And you're thinking, maybe I missed something.

This is what you're missing. I talk to people all the time, who have no clue as to what is going on in the world.

They -- they have only heard the mainstream media. And the left. And they have left out facts. Now, we can spin things any way we want.

But facts are facts.

Why listen to people, who constantly, knowingly, tell you something about a fact, that is not true?

Don't worry.

Inflation, it's transitory. Don't worry. People are doing better.

Is that true? And can you afford another four years of that?

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