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The Glenn Beck Program

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Aussie discovers what Americans REALLY think about the 2024 election

Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini has been traveling America and asking voters about top issues this election season with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris at the top of the polls: the economy, abortion, transgenderism, Israel/Gaza, and more. He tells Glenn that "the mood is CLEARLY Trump" and the economy is a major issue. So, is this a good sign for Trump supporters? Avi also describes something else he noticed about America: The liberal cities seem to have A LOT more homelessness and drug abuse problems.

You can follow Avi's journey at


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Avi Yemini. He is a Rebel News reporter from Australia.

Is this -- this is not your first time. Yeah. Okay.

AVI: I've been here before.

GLENN: So you're traveling. Where did you start?

AVI: So we started in San Fran. That's the idea. Started in San Fran, in like Kamala. The place that represented -- everything she represents.

GLENN: Right.

AVI: And we will end in Miami. So we've done a fair bit. This is a great, large country.

GLENN: Right. I know. I know. I know.

You have a large continent. A very large country.

But not a lot of people. Not a lot of people.

AVI: No. No. And I'll tell you this. I probably traveled now more than in America, than Australia.

I've never gone in an RV around Australia.

GLENN: Is there a gas station somewhere in the middle of Australia where you could --

AVI: I've gone to outback Australia to report on some of the crime stuff that was happening in Alice Spring, in the middle of Australia. So you can get to places. But you have long drives of nothing.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. Beautiful, beautiful country though.

What are you finding so far?

You're halfway through your trip. You're here in Texas. What are you finding along the way? What are people actually feeling and saying?

AVI: Look, people keep asking me in Australia. Especially like, what are you predicting?

Look, if I'm going by the mood, the mood is clearly Trump! Because I'm seeing people that are saying, you know, you have your Trumpers. You have your Republicans. They're fine. Most of them are proud to say it.

Then you have the people that kind of -- the whole issue is about the last four years being just tough. I was a registered Democrat. I am a Democrat. I've always voted Democrat.

And they -- and then you have the -- the -- the Democrats that say, they're voting Democrat, but they -- they are like, we're going to lose.

And then you have the diehard Democrats that are like, no, Kamala is way ahead.

GLENN: Yeah. So do you find -- you know, there's always this suppressed Trump voter that doesn't want to say.

I think that's becoming less and less of a factor now, you know. People -- the people, God bless them.

That six years ago, were wearing the MAGA hats.

Were just like on suicide missions.

You would see them.

Like the guy is wearing a red hat. He's crazy.

But now, people are -- don't have that feeling. Is there still the suppress Trump, and do you think that there is a suppressed Trump supporter in some that are saying, they're for Kamala. They just don't want anybody to know.

SCOTT: I was actually surprised a bit.

I think in San Antonio. Not San Antonio. San --

GLENN: Los Angeles. San Francisco. San Diego.

AVI: San Diego. Yeah. In San Diego, I was surprised, because there was -- what I noticed, when you say, you know, closet Trumpers. The way you work it out.

Okay. You don't want -- I asked people what they're voting.

They said, I would rather not say and whatever.

And then I go, so what are the kind of issues that bother you? And then it's the answers about, the last four years have been -- they're essentially saying, have been horrible -- it was easier before. So you know who they're voting for, they just don't understand want to say it out loud.

I tell them, what are you worried about?

And some of them say, depends on which way this will play. We don't know. I've got family. I've got friends. I've got this.

But I've actually had really interesting interactions. In Texas. In Waco, Texas. We haven't published it yet.

We have this website.

Where we're publishing everything.

We haven't produced it yet. But we bumped into a couple.

What I'm asking. In fact, everywhere I go, I try to think of something unique to the place. And Texas, I was reading some reports, that there are Democrats that think that Texas will flip from, you know -- red to blue.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Red to blue.

AVI: So there was that question. And I read a local writer that was saying, if Trump succeeds in deporting all the illegal immigrants, the economy in Texas is going to crash. That was --

GLENN: That's craziness.

AVI: That's my question. I don't want to hear it from media pundits. I want to hear it from -- from other persons. Mind you.

I was expecting a lot more cowboys here.

GLENN: I know for him.

AVI: I'm really disappointed.

GLENN: I know. I have friends that fly into the state. And they're like, where are all the cows?

Good Lord, it's not Texas 1874.

AVI: It was Ozzie hunting the streets in Texas, looking for cowboys. I'm like the crocodile hunter. Just more cowboy hunting.

GLENN: Right.

AVI: Anyway, and he was -- he was a Kamala. He was like a left-wing young guy. He was 38 or something.

And -- and then they kind of broke out into this argument. And I kind of stepped back and just played the mic, because she was clearly a Trumper.

She was making all the arguments, that you would hear, but that I see online. Play out.

It was playing out in real life, in front of me. Between a couple, which I -- I hope to God, that -- together.

But I say the term.

GLENN: What was he saying?

AVI: So he got to the point.

Digress to Black Lives Matter.

He was making all the arguments. Those were great.

She was like, I was working in a coffee stop shop.

There were terrorists that were -- it went through everything.

He labeled her a conspiracy theorist.

He said, that you can't have -- you know, I'm not going to vote for a side, that waives Nazi flags at rallies.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

I can tell you right now. That's not going to last.

AVI: She said, why are you calling me a Nazi?

Not you. For me, it was the most compelling kind of interview, which I -- you know, I -- I really -- and stopped interviewing. Because they were just doing the work for me.

GLENN: Yeah.

AVI: And I think it also just demonstrates what's happening across this country.

I think that's really what's going on.

I hope actually they stay together.

GLENN: Were they married?

AVI: They've been seeing each other. Clearly. I'm someone that looks at that. And I hope that they can.

Because I -- can I come from a family. I'm one of 17 children.

GLENN: Seventeen!

AVI: Yes.

GLENN: Your mother was tired.

AVI: My mother is tired. She will never babysit. She says, I have done my time, she tells me.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

AVI: But in our family, we have wide-ranging -- I've got what I consider far left-wing brothers and siblings. And then I have some that are -- that might consider me far right.

There are some that are more conservative than me.

And I think interestingly enough, the silver lining of October 7th in our family. And probably for a lot of people, actually we realize that we're all family. Yeah, those political enemies don't matter. There's a greater enemy. And they want us all dead.

But I would love to see that, not only for America, but for the world. That you can actually have opposing views. And talk about them. I agree with you. I don't know if that will last. Because he was jumping on.

It was almost the personal -- he had to skip over his partner.

GLENN: As a man who married at 19, and politics did not play a role at all, and her politics were much, really almost Hillary Clinton. It doesn't -- it didn't --

AVI: It's not possible.

GLENN: Yeah, it doesn't work. If you're both strong-willed and strong opinion, I mean, especially when it's -- if you're in a relationship trying to make it work, do everything you can to make it work. But it takes both of you wanting it to work. But if you're dating somebody, God bless you. But why put yourself through. When somebody is calling your philosophy Nazi, I mean, that's nuts.

That's nuts.

Okay. Take me through a couple of these sound bites here.

What do we have?

Let me see here.

We have -- you catch a voter on her bad argument.

Using bad logic.

AVI: That was the most fun. I reckon that one.

GLENN: Okay. Let's go. Cut one, please.

VOICE: My sister is trans. And it's like when she -- when someone is talking about something that directly affects you. And they have no skin in the game. None. Nada, zero. You know, it's different.

AVI: How do you feel about Israel and Palestine?


VOICE: I mean, I don't think the genocide in Gaza is good.

AVI: Did you have skin in the game?

VOICE: Well, that's like a little bit of a different issue though. We're talking about like the health --

AVI: No, no, I'm just trying to make the point here. So you're upset --

VOICE: You're talking about a foreign war, and I'm talking about people's health care.

AVI: I'm talking about people's lives. So my mother lives in Israel. My sister. My brother. You have a really strong opinion about Israel. I'm applying your same argument back at you. You don't know what you're talking about. You've got no skin in the game.

VOICE: I'm okay.

GLENN: She just walks away.

AVI: Okay. You see how that works? Funny how her logic only applies to her political foes. Imagine my shock.

STU: Great part about that, is there's just unrelated laughter at the perfect time in the video. Just laughing at her argument.

AVI: I only realized that when reading the comments. I didn't even hear her laugh.

STU: Oh, yeah. She was laughing at something totally separate in the background, but it was timed perfectly in your video.

GLENN: Might have been. What city was that in?

AVI: That was in Hollywood. That was Hollywood.

GLENN: Oh. You're a brave man.

Let's go to cut seven.

AVI: What threat to your community does Trump pose?

VOICE: Anti-trans. Anti-LGBTQ. Actually trying to reverse rights for women.

AVI: Rights for women?

VOICE: The right to control their body.

AVI: Because how would you define a woman?

VOICE: I would define a woman as anyone who says that they're a woman.

AVI: So abortion rights would not really be women. Because if somebody can't have --

VOICE: I mean, you can play a semantics games. I did say that anyone who has a uterus, to be able to.


VOICE: You know, control their body.

AVI: So he's not really against women's rights. What's a woman?

VOICE: I don't want to argue that point.

GLENN: Love that. I absolutely love that. That's usually the way it goes. You know, you're so stupid, I don't want to argue with you anymore. You're like, uh-huh.

AVI: Yeah. I can't get away with that -- like you said, Australia is a tiny place. And everyone -- it might be small. But everyone kind of recognized me. They would just get angry.

Probably here. What I'm finding great about America. I can just have normal conversations. And I'm talking to everyone.

Those with two -- I'm talking to -- and I'm challenging everyone's kind of view. Because the idea of what we're trying to achieve here is that he would -- what actual Americans think.

GLENN: So are those on extreme ends.

And you're finding generally, our population to be, what?

At each other's throats. Civil War.


AVI: I think a lot of people are nervous about what's happening. I think most people are more scared of the outcome of the election, really.

Like the average person is scared about their pocket.

They feel like the cost of living. And if it continues the way it's going.

We will be in all sorts of trouble. The other thing I've noticed.

GLENN: That's every election that has ever been in situations like this.

It's the economy, stupid.

It's always been.

AVI: The other thing that stood out. I have noticed.

And I remember seeing it from afar. Watching commentators here. But I saw it in -- I see it in real life.

Any time you go even to a liberal pocket within a Republican state. But a liberal state. Or a liberal pocket.

There's suddenly. Like explosion of homelessness.

Like drug use on the streets.

And I'm talking to the homeless people. I'm asking them, what is -- and most of them are coming there. And it's funny to see, even the mental gymnastics of the local liberals that are there.

I'm going, why is it? That when I'm going to a Republican city. Or a Republican town, area.

I don't see any of this.

And they go. Oh, no.

Because they'll give all sorts of different excuses.

This is a much safer space for them. You know, liberals are more giving.

So they're coming.

It's all -- they twist all these things to make it like they are good things.

And I'm like, then -- then is this the way you would want America to be?

Like, is this the vision you had for the rest of America?

On one hand, I complain about it. And they move to places like Texas.

But then they bring their policies.

And their politics with them.

Which I fear for places like Texas.

Because you think, it's like amazing. I've never seen -- I was saying this to our driver on the way.

The only other place I've seen such patriotism as in so many flags, proudly --

GLENN: Everywhere.

AVI: Is Israel. Israel and Texas. And it's beautiful. Because I think you need to be proud --

GLENN: I think so too.

That's why I'm trying to convince Donald Trump to build a Western wall, Northern wall, Eastern wall, and Southern wall around Texas, just to -- we don't want any Californians, New Yorkers. You know, we're fine. We're fine.

AVI: Can you fit one Australian?

GLENN: All right. I've got to tell you, Australia is the perfect prison. I think God designed it as a prison.

He's like, you know what, a place to put criminals and all of the creepy animals that kill you. We'll just put them all right here.

AVI: In COVID, it works.

GLENN: Yeah. Have you guys sobered up on that at all? Is the population going --

AVI: Everybody has forgotten.

GLENN: So nobody learned a lesson.

AVI: No. No. No.

GLENN: Oh, gee. Ami, thank you so much.

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