One of the problems in understanding the rising cost of beef is the complexity of the system that puts steaks and hamburger meat on your grill, but one expert is happy to explain it.
To begin with, "our cow herd today nationwide is the smallest it's been since 1961 and we're starting to see that decline in cow numbers result in less beef production -- and with less supplies we're seeing more pressure to raise prices," according to Texas A&M University Agrilife Extension Economist David Anderson, PhD.
But most folks don't know that there's a wide system of imports and exports involved in beef production and distribution, adding to the complicated nature of the supply chains.
"We export some lower value stuff to other parts of the world, like spare ribs to Japan, but we import a lot of beef too. In fact, the majority of what we import are lean beef trimmings, because we need really lean beef to go with the fat to make a really great hamburger," he says.
Add to all this the onset of Spring and the increase in consumer demand for barbeque season, which causes prices to...yeah, you know.
But beef production businesses are working on it.
One of the ways that farmers and others in the beef industry are increasing production and productivity is a relatively new direction for the industry.
"The long term trend is increasing the amount of beef we produce from every cow. Our cattle are bigger, our cows are bigger, they weigh more" and they're helping make up for some shortages here and there.