There's New Legislation Proposed To Reduce Energy Waste in Texas Facilities

There is new legislation that has been proposed in both the Texas House & Senate. SB 2455, and House Bill 5323 would reduce electricity and energy waste in Texas facilities by creating a board and advisory committee.

To some, it's a new issue that has never been brought up before. But is it a big problem?

"It's not a massive problem" said Brad Johnson, senior reporter at The Texan, "I think this is more of a clean up, it sounds kind of good and gets them press."

As for actually lowering our electric bills?

"I think indirectly it could, if it prevents the state from dipping into emergency conditions" Johnson told KTRH, "Because the way the grid works, as supply and demand tighten, prices goes up."

The big take-away, reducing energy waste would leave more power available during those peak events throughout the year.

"It does have a very real impact, and when the grid is tight every megawatt counts" noted Johnson, "So, every megawatt they can save by doing this will help ensure a more stable grid."

The bills are expected to pass. In the meantime, the Texas population and the demand for energy, continues to grow.

Electricity generating substation

Photo: Robert Brook / The Image Bank / Getty Images

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