Is Worldwide Sharing of Electricity Possible? Yes, It's Even Likely

It may sound like a utopian idea or a John Lennon song or maybe just plain impractical, but the sharing of electricity worldwide is not only possible, it's an idea that's slowly becoming more practical and therefore more likely.

Electrical power could be shared among nations using underground and underwater cables that tie together countries and continents, and it may only be a few years away, according to one Rice University professor.

Now that wind and solar energy production is dropping in price so much that in some circumstances they're cheaper than some fossil fuels, Professor of Chemical and Microbiology Engineering Aditya Mohite believes the pieces are falling in place.

"You get electricity from sunlight when the sun shines, and only electricity from wind when the wind blows," he said Monday, but it's increasingly important to note that worldwide, the sun is always shining and the wind is always blowing somewhere.

With that in mind, using renewable energy like sun and wind could be harnessed cheaply and widely if nations got together to produce it.

The problem is, and is going to be, that politics would have to be put aside, and that seems unlikely anytime soon.

Still, when the need for cheaper and more abundant electricity becomes clear, there may be agreement that a more practical energy production system is needed.

A huge obstacle, then, is the money it will cost, the professor said, "and solar and especially wind, these are going to be key players."

Undersea cables are going to be expensive and require a lot of work.

"They're going to need consistent funding doing that, and that is sometimes challenging.'

That may be the most urgent problem to be solved on the path to a co-operative effort in producing the electricity needed by all.

He doesn't think such things are just around the corner or coming soon, but a decade from now we'll likely have a different outlook on power sharing across borders, he said.

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