A flood of reaction continues to pour in after an on-line Harris County map showed that flood prevention projects were completed, when they were not.
"The Flood Control District launched a new interactive map, the problem was it was just riddled with errors" said Bob Rehak, who runs the site reduceflooding.com, "Many of the projects that hadn't even started yet, were marked complete."
Which led to some damage control, for the H.C. Flood Control.
"When I saw this, I couldn't understand it and I contacted the Flood Control District" Rehak told KTRH. And then we contacted the Flood District as well.
"We've already updated the map to provide more clarity" said Emily Woodell, Chief external affairs officer, "We certainly want to make sure that we're being as consistent and transparent as we can."
The site has been updated, and Woodell says the projects will be completed. For real.