State Rep Tees Off on TX House Speaker Dustin Burrows

Impeachment Trial Of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Comes To A Close

Photo: Brandon Bell / Getty Images News / Getty Images

While the Texas Senate has passed several high profile bills, the lower chamber has not. State Representative Brian Harrison is fed up, and calling out the man he thinks is responsible; new House Speaker Dustin Burrows.

Harrison told KTRH's Michael Berry that, "Over a quarter of the session is already over, and he has not referred one single bill to one single committee."

Among the bills the Senate has already passed include property tax reform, and school choice. So why hasn't Burrows taken them up?

"He doesn't want to be responsible for conservative bills, so he has dragged his feet long than any Speaker in the history of the state of Texas," Harrison said.

The school choice bill that passed has the attention of President Donald Trump, who has said he will be watching what the House does. Burrpos has said he would not only take the bill up. But pass it.

That was several weeks ago.

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