Why You Should Think Twice About Posting Senior Photos On Facebook

The Better Business Bureau wants users to be cautious about sharing senior pictures on Facebook.

In case you weren't aware, posting a senior photo, along with the name of your high school and graduation year, has been popular amongst feeds in supporting the graduating class of 2020 due to the string of canceled graduations. However, according to the Better Business Bureau, that might not be the best idea right now — even as a way to celebrate graduation season amid the COVID-19 pandemic. "Scammers or hackers who surf through social media sites will see these #ClassOf2020 posts, and will now have the name of your high school and graduation year, which are common online security questions," the website reads. The post suggests all it takes is an internet search to reveal so much more about your identity, background and family connections.

"While this may seem innocent enough, bad actors use this information for Data Mining – as many of these games include answers that are clues to security questions on private accounts," Danielle Kane, the Oregon State Director for the Better Business Bureau, recently revealed. "Just as sharing your senior picture with graduation date and high-school name gives scammers an opportunity to piece together a profile for you, making it easier to hack your accounts or steal your identity."

Additionally, the organization suggests that users should avoid posting personal lists because people often associate their favorite things with their passwords. Click here for more information on how you can stay safe on social media amid the coronavirus crisis.

Photo: Getty Images

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